Our vision revolves around the critical role of technical education in achieving clean and renewable energy utilization goals for current and future generations. In a world where technology is spread everywhere, this conference seeks to promote renewable energy sources, and to benefit from the indispensable nature of technology in daily life.
The conference emphasizes on spreading scientific and cultural awareness in the Iraqi society of renewable energy importance and the alternative energy to face the risk of depletion of traditional fuels. As technology evolves, our commitment is to invest in capabilities and capabilities that respond to the priorities of technical education and sustainable development, especially in a world grappling with the challenges posed by climate change.
The conference aims to develop new ways and systems to exploit, store, and harness renewable energies in the service of humanity. This Conference, like its predecessors, seeking to presents an opportunity for specialists engaged in the fields of renewable energies and power quality to discuss current progress and future developments and trends in these two important areas, and also in those topics like: electric vehicles, electrical machines and drives, power electronics, control strategies, monitoring and diagnostics, etc, that are connecting with they. Moreover, the conference targeted to exchange information and experience of developments, trends and applications, from researchers, academics and professionals. Topics related to practical applications, operations, maintenance and teaching are also highly encouraged.
Northern Technical University
Technical Institute of Kirkuk.
OIL & gas techniques engineering college-Kirkuk
- Grand Millennium Hotel Sulaimani, Iraq
Conference Chair
- Prof. Dr. Alyaa Abbas Ali Al-Attar, President of Northern Technical University
- Prof. Dr.Hoshyar Abdullah Azeez, President of Sulamani Polytechnic University

The conference is organized by
Northern Technical University:
- College of Oil &Gas Techniques Engineering / Kirkuk .
- Kirkuk Technical Institute
- University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia .
- Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Iraq.
Conference Co-Chairs
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Omar R. Alomar, Vice President of Scientific Affairs, Northern Technical University.
- Prof. Dr. Ashty Mahdy Aaref, Dean of Kirkuk Technical Institute.
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Obed Majeed Ali, Dean of College of Oil &Gas Techniques Engineering / Kirkuk.
2nd ICRE

Prof. Dr. Hoshyar Abdullah Azeez Conference Co- Chair

Prof. Dr. Ashty M. Aref Conference Co-Chair

Assist. Prof. Dr. Omar R. Alomar Conference Co-Chair

Assist. Prof. Dr Obed Majeed Ali Conference Co-Chair
AIP, American Institut of Physics, conference proceedings, Scopus indexed (Elsevier), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science).
AIP, American Institut of Physics, conference proceedings, Scopus indexed (Elsevier), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science).
Selected papers will be published in the following Journals
Journal of Thermal Engineering
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed, Journal Citation Report (JCR)).
ASM Science Journal
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed).
Selected papers will be published in the following Journals
Journal of Thermal Engineering
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed, Journal Citation Report (JCR)).
ASM Science Journal
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed).

Proceedings of 3rd ICRE 2025 will be published in the following periodicals based on author’s preferences:
AIP, American Institut of Physics, conference proceedings, Scopus indexed (Elsevier), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Science).
Selected papers will be published in the following Journals
Journal of Thermal Engineering
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Yildiz Technical University, (Scopus indexed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed, Journal Citation Report (JCR)).
ASM Science Journal
Universiti Putra Malaysia, (Scopus indexed).

Assoc.Prof. Shahab Abdulla
Email: Shahab.Abdulla@unisq.edu.au
Qualifications:BSc UoT Baghdad , MSc UoT Baghdad , PhD USQ
Languages:Kurdish (accredited translator)
Arabic (accredited translator)
Location:Toowoomba Campus
Phone:+61 7 4687 5734

Associate Dean.Aitazaz A Farooque
Position:Associate Dean
Department:School of Climate Change and Adaptation
Aitazaz A Farooque
Online Submission
- The submission of the paper should be performed via EDAS and the author(s) needs to have an EDAS account. If you already have an account, just login in and you will be guided to the appropriate page.
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Following is the link for the submission via EDAS system Submit paper
Important Documents
- Please use the following template for the Camera Ready (Final) version of the paper.
AIP template and presentation format can be downloaded below:
* AIP: MS Word
* AIP Latex: AIP Latex TemplatePaperID_PresenterName
Please download the Copyright Form below and fill it with the required information, then reply to the acceptance email.
AIP copyright: AIP: Copyright Form
Note: The copyright form must be signed by all authors.
Note: The manuscript file must be named with the paper
title, [Paper_title.doc]
Important Dates
Fees and Payment
- Full Registration
– Participants with presentation and publication:200$
– NTU with presentation and publication:175$
– Students participants with presentation and publication: 150$Participant
Oral or Poster without publication: Students (Oral or Poster) without publication: Registration payment will include: – Admission to scientific sessions, posters, exhibition area
– Certificate of attendance
– Coffee breaks and welcome reception All conference papers MUST have at least one registered author.
Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refunded if you cannot participate in the conference. Please note that your paper WILL NOT be published if the fee is not received.
International Scientific Committee
- Prof.Dr. Ahmet Selim Dalkılıç
(Yildiz Technical University, Turkey) - Prof. Dr Hidayah Ariffin
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia) - Prof. Dr. Wan Zuha Wan Hasan
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia) - Prof. Dr Mohd Ali Hassan
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia) - Prof. Dr Wan Azlina Wan Ab Karim Ghani
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia) - Assist. Prof. Dr Mohamad Amran Mohd Salleh
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia) - Assist.Prof.Sébastien Harispe
(EuroMov Digital Health in Motion, University of Montpellier, IMT Mines Alès – France ) - Dr Juniza Md Saad
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia ) - Dr Izzudin Ibrahim
(University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia ) - Dr Fareed Ud Din
(Senior Lecturer in Computational Science The University of New England, NSW, Australia ) - Dr.Alaa Saeed Mughayd
(The Hashemite University of Jordan ) - Assist.Prof.Dr.Adam J Jacsó
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) - Imre PANITI
(Institute for Computer Science and Control, Budapest, Hungary) - Prof. Valentin Stefan Oleksik
(Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Engineering Faculty, Romanian) - Assist.Prof.Dr.Mihaela-Emilia Oleksik
(Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Engineering Faculty, Romanian)
Announcement/Publishing/Website Committee
EDAS committee
Media Committee
Financial Committee
National Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Omer Khalil Ahmed
( Northern Technical University) - Prof. Dr.Sameen Fadel Mohmmed
( Northern Technical University) - Prof. Dr.Thamir Khalil Ibrahim
(Tikrit University) - Prof. Dr.Sarkawt Rostam Hassan
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Prof. Dr. Hameed D. Lafta
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Prof. Dr.Hussein Darweesh Mohammed
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Assist.prof.Dr Montassar Aidi Sharif
( Northern Technical University) - Assist. Prof. Dr.Hasan Kareem Abdulrahman
( Northern Technical University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Najdet Nasret
( Northern Technical University) - Assist. Prof. Dr.Abbas Abdullaziz Abdullhamid
(Mustansiriya University) - Assist. Prof. Dr.Razi Jabr Al-Azzawi
(Technology University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Sivan Hisham Taher Al Jarah
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Yassin Mustafa Ahmed
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Chro Ali Hamarazha
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Prof. Sarkawt Abdulrahman Saeed
( Sulamani Polytechnic University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Naseer Tawfeeq Alwan
(Northern Technical University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Galawesh Norri Taher
(Northern Technical University) - Dr. Morad Abdulwheed Radha
(Northern Technical University) - Dr. Khalil Farhan Yassin
( Northern Technical University) - Dr.Enas Faaq Aziz
( Northern Technical University) - Dr.Sherwan M. Najm
( Northern Technical University) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Abdulkarim
( University of Kirkuk) - Dr. Afrah Turki Awad
( Northern Technical University) - Dr. Mohammed Qader Gubari
( Northern Technical University) - Assist.Prof. Iesam Jondi Hasan
( Northern Technical University) - Dr. Mohammed Chyad Liejy
( Northern Technical University) - Dr. Yousif khalid Yousif
( Northern Technical University) - Dr. Saad Mohsin Abed
( Ministry of Education, Kirkuk Education Directorate) - Assist. Prof. Dr. Abduljallel M. Al- Hasnawied
(Directorate of Scholarships and Cultural Relations/ Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/ Iraq) - Dr. Salah Mahdi Khaleel
(Directorate of Scholarships and Cultural Relations/ Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/ Iraq) - Prof. Dr. Yaseen Hameed Mahmood
(Universty of Tikrit, Iraq)
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Dr. Diary Ali Mohammed Amin
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Sivan Hisham Taher Al Jarah
- Dr. Ahmed Saadallah Salman
- Dr. Mohammed Nazar Hasan
- Dr. Nabeel Mukhlif Abdulrazzaq
- Dr. Hassan Messar Qassim
- Dr. Isam Salehdeen Ali
- Dr. Swash Saheen Ibrahim
- Assist. Prof. Raid Wadullah Daoud
- Dr. Qayssar Mahmood Ajaj
- Dr.Sarwar Hasan Mohmmad
- Dr. Karzan Saleem Ismael
- Dr.Bakhtiar Ali Karim
- Dr.Aven Rawf Hamza
- D.Salim Qadir Mohammed
- Mohammed Saad Abdulsatar
- Jwan Asaad Ahmed
- Muhammed Sabir Ahmed Zangana
- Shkar mushir abdulla
- Tahir Asaad Ahmed
- Aven Rawf Hamza